DISORDER 17/04/23 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
Durata 1h 46m 4s
NOOSFERA:1) Concentrating On A Picture
KING DUDE: 2)Intro; 3) Holy Land 4) Barbara Anne
DAS AUGE: 5) Lunar; 6) Recalibrate 
PLASTER : 7) Orior ; 8 Dux Femina Facti 
AMPTEK: 9) Engineers Of The Masses; 10) One Year From Monday; 11) Lost Driver
ANTHONY ROTHER: 12) Transformer; 13) The Supreme
WIELORYB: 14) Prowe Lead Me; 15) Coma - Activ;16) (She's) Automatic 
PHASE FATALE: 17) Blackbox; 18)Empty Whip