fusto centenario corbotto
Data di trasmissione
ritorniamo in studio (per piangere il fusto centenario spezzato) cor botto
la palylist
sonic youth - disconnection notice
karl marx was a broker - nord
hollow bone - sequoia
neurosis - insensitivity
neurosis - blisters
papa wheelie - give it back
dead witches - mind control
transitional - el baron
melvins - outside chance
Τρύπες - Γϊνομαι Άντρας (trypes - sto diventando grande)
idles - the wheel
tene me quia fuggio - ribellula
pain teens - tiger of babylon
the sonic dawn - summer voyage
assalti frontali - perderre la testa
assalti frontali - vecchi pirati
hi shine - gimme di wedda (pf manipulate)
thievery corporation ft racquel jones - road block
frog legs - rocksteady 67
the international noise conspiracy - under a communist moon