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your_ fuckin’_war_quasi_tripvirus

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si inzia con del sibillino postpunk/new wave. dopo un veggente "looposo" quasi_tripvirus. un avvertimento sull’ esiziale stato di guerra  

sonic youth - disconnection notice
wire - single ok
wire - a touching display
cabaret voltaire - silent command
suicide - jhonny
essential logic - aerosol burning
n.o.i.a. - europe
kleenex - you
kandeggina gang - orrore
dezerter - greetings from poland
pere ubu - laughing
lost cherrees - war part i & ii
sonic youth - another guitar & dreamy theme
lee ranaldo & raül refree – humps / espriu mix
gy!be - government came (9980.0khz 3617.1khz 4521.0 khz)
giobia - the world was being watched closely
russian circle - ghost on high
assalti frontali - vecchi pirati
spid lapin - welcome back to the jungle
the international noise conspiracy - under a communist moon