Ascolta lo streaming di Radio Onda Rossa !


Data di trasmissione
Durata 1h 19m 15s



Beastie Boys, "She's Crafty"

Beastie Boys, "Sabotage"

Anthrax, "I'm The Man"

Biohazard, "How It Is"

Faith No More, "Epic"

Rage Against the Machine, "Bulls on Parade"

Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Good time boys"

Senser, "Eject"

Urban Dance Squad, "Demagogue"

Linea 77, Salmo, Slait, "AK77"

The Old Skull, "Strozzapreti alla Romana" (ft. Danno, Suarez, Chef Ragoo, Dj Craim)