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PROVE TECNICHE DI TRASMISSIONE 28/02/24 (Industrial,Ambient,Noise)

Data di trasmissione
Durata 1h 34m 46s
SIGILLUM S: 1) A cognitive island of fake tumor implants
ATRAX MORGUE: 3) Death For Company
RUNES ORDER: 4) Cells Of Water
LAIBACH: 5) Malcolm Fights Raptors
The Jobsists Presented To Vril Hitler
The Gate To The Holy Grail
The Jobsists Negotiating With Vril Hitler And Get Eaten By Vril Jobs
Stealing The Holy Grail
Malcolm Fights Vril Jobs And Vril Hitler
LA PORTA ERMETICA: 6) Porta Ermetica ; 7) Magnum Opus
XAYDE : 8 I Fasti; 9) Tv Industriale
MAOROORO: 10) WASP​-​76b Speculation
11) Alatyr
ODRZ: 12) ODRZ80_01 (Parte 1)
GENOCIDE ORGAN: 13) Conditioned War Sheep
14) Appropriate Action