PROVE TECNICHE DI TRASMISSIONE Playlist and Podcast 15/07/2015
NEW RISEN THRONE:1)Lands Filled With Silence And Grief
SONOLOGYST:2)A Dream Inside Dream(Parte 2);3)Illusions ,Secret Dialogues With Inner Self
THE SURREAL ERROR:4)Fragezeichen;
PHELIOS:5)Gates Of Atlantis
CAMERATA MEDIOLANENSE:6)La Verità Nascosta;7)Balcani In Fiamme
TRIBE OF CIRCLE:8)La Femme Evaporee;9)Yggdrasil's Downfall
HYPERCUBE:10)Methods Of Abnegation;11)Abortion;12)Drop The Pants
ATRAX MORGUE:13)Negation;14)Frenzy
CON-DOM:15)Terror Or Love;16)Jesus Army;17)Faithless I