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DISORDER 30/12/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione

EL ANGEL EXTERMINADOR: 1) Dos Minutos de Odio ;2) Cr​ó​nica Familiar; 3) Dormir​.​.​.

100 BLUMEN: 4) Kaputt
5) 1/3 Hass 
SOFT SCENT: 6) Chimera; 7) 17:07
8 Wütendes Glas 
VENA SEKTO: 9) Devolu​ç​ã​o ; 10) Limiar
11) Leben hei​ß​t Leben (Opus Dei Revisited 2024) ;
12) Geburt einer Nation (Opus Dei Revisited 2024)
SEEFEEL: 13) Lose The Minus ; 14) Antiskeptic
ANARCHOTECH: 16) Hivemind Schism; 17) Shedding Stellar Skin

DISORDER 16/12/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
INSTINCT AND PAIN: 1) Twist the Knife ; 2) Ghostly Echoes; 3) Last
100 BLUMEN: 4) Ja-Nein-Vielleicht
5) Kein Schlaf
SOFT SCENT: 6) Parasomnia 3:21
7) No Wounds
VENA SEKTO: 8 A Entrega; 9) Aperte o Gatilho
VIOLET NOX: 10) OneSixty ; 11) Stranger
SEEFEEL: 12) Sky Hooks
13) Multifolds
S.K.E.T.: 14) How To Respond To Populism
13TH MONKEY: 15) Circadian Rhythm
ANARCHOTECH: 16) Robot Union Wildcat Strike
17) Neo-Cetacean Power Armor Squad

DISORDER 09/12/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
THE CURE: 1) Endsong
INSTINCT AND PAIN: 2) Into the silence ; 3) Fading hues ;4) All is gone
100 BLUMEN: 5) Ey, Die Vögel
6) Alles Ist Im Arsch
VIOLET NOX: 7) Umbre; 8 Zero Point
MONUM: 9) Darkness Falls; 10) This Night
AH CAMA SOTZ / FLINT GLASS : 11) Nuu-chah-nulth
ANARCHOTECH: 12) Weaponized Smart Appliances; 13) Emotion Chip Malfunction

DISORDER 02/12/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
ALBIREON: 1) Eriche
2) Lycaena ; 3) Conchiglie
THE CURE: 4) Warsong
5) Drone: Nodrone
INSTINCT AND PAIN: 6) Lost amongst the trees ; 7) Goodbye kiss ;
8 Final whispers
MONUM: 9) Nicht ich; 10) She
XNX: 11) Tangeri ; 12) C​.​S​.​U​.​K (Il sol dell'avvenire)
AH CAMA SOTZ/ FLINT GLASS: 13) Irã-ã-mray-me; 14) Pirpkura
MONYA: 15) Kleines Mädchen In Mir (Years Of Denial Remix); 16) In Trance (Cervello Elettronico Vs Ratio Strain Remix)

DISORDER 25/11/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
ALBIREON : 1) Sentinella
2) Effemeridi
THE CURE: 3) Alone; 4) A Fragile Thing
PARTINICO ROSE: 5) Unrequiited love ;6) Enter
MONUM: 7) A Flicker; 8 Memories
XNX: 9) Beautiful World ; 10) Involuzione (Holocaust)
AH CAMA SOTZ/ FLINT GLASS: 11) Kaxinawá; 12) Menegokre
MONYA: 13) Kleines Mädchen In Mir ; 14) Stimme

DISORDER 18/11/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
ALBIREON: 1) Fosfena
2) Analemma; 3) Akela
PARTINICO ROSE: 4) The hard competition; 5) Tragedy of style; 6) Rebuild
BIG BLACK: 7) L Dopa
8 Precious Thing
9) Colombian Necktie
MOTOR!K: 10) Syndrome
11) Departure
XNX: 12) Der Erste
13) Naked
AH CAMA SOTZ/ FLINT GLASS: 14) Anishinaabe; 15) Aymara
MONYA: 16) Extasy
17) Meine Opposition

DISORDER 04/11/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
PARTINICO ROSE: 1) Pitiful End ;2) Prisoners ;3) Crazy Shard 
BIG BLACK: 4) The Power Of Independent Trucking
5) The Model
6) Bad Penny
MINISTRY: 7) TV Song 1/6 Edition
8 New Religion
MOTOR!K: 9) Shadows ; 10) Entranced 
ANTHONY ROTHER: 11) Metaphysical Pt 06 ; 12) Metaphysical Pt 09 ;13) Metaphysical Pt 10
BLACK LUNG: 14) The Cremation Of Care
15) The Arcana Of Command
16) The Custodians Of The Plan
5F-X: 17) The Night My Favourite Alien Died
18) Anthem Of The Octopus Planet
GREYHOUND: 19) Excitation Transfer Effect
SONAR: 20) Taking Over

DISORDER 28/10/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
DEATH CULT: 1) A Flower In The Desert
2) Butterflies
3) With Love (Sea And Sky)
BIG BLACK: 4) Bazooka Joe
5) Strange Things
6) Cables (Live)
MINISTRY: 7) Just Stop Oil
8 Aryan Embarrassment
MOTOR !K: 9) Rate + Shape
10) Driving Mode
ANTHONY ROTHER: 11) Metaphysical Pt 03
12) Metaphysical Pt 04
13) Metaphysical Pt 05
BLACK LUNG: 14) The Brutal Gardener
15) One World Government; 16) Armageddon
5F-X: 17) Xenomorphs Against Transhumanism
18) Watchdrone Rebellion
MS GENTUR / SVEN PHALANX: 19) Gedankenkontrolle
HYSTERESIS: 20) Acidtek

DISORDER 21/10/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
DEATH CULT: 1) Christians
2) Gods Zoo (These Times)
BIG BLACK: 3) Bad Houses; 4) Stinking Drunk
6) Goddamn White Trash
LA FURNASETTA: 7) Bad​(​ed​)​ass ; 8 Caffé Nero Bollente
ANTONY ROTHER: 9) Metaphysical Pt 01
10) Metaphysical Pt 02
BLACK LUNG: 11) Babylon Rising
12) Euthanasia
13) Depopulate
5F-X: 14) Crop Circle Space Grafitti
15) Hitchhiker's Groove To Galaxy
ANARCHOTECH: 16) From The Ashes Of The Old
ICD-10: 17) Entangled

DISORDER 07/10/24 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
FRANK NEVER DIES: 1) Audrey ;2) The Fortune Teller
DEATH CULT: 3)Horse Nation; 4) Ghost Dance
BIG BLACK: 5) Jordan, Minnesota
6) Passing Complexion; 7) Kerosene
LA FURNASETTA: 8 Fighetti & Tamarri ; 9) Passione Nera ; 10) Iceland In Dub
ANTHONY ROTHER: 11) True Story
12) Being Young
YASHIN: 13) Glass Splinter
IMPY: 14) Die Nette Hexe
5F-X: 15) Element 115 Battery Charger; 16) There will be no Android Messiah
SONAR: 17) Volt Control (Frames A Second Remix) ; 18) What You Got (H.I.V.+ Remix)