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Lee "Scratch" Perry

Data di trasmissione

Prima puntata dedicata al finissimo genio musicale di Lee "Scratch" Perry, scomparso lo scorso 29 agosto in Giamaica all'età di 85 anni.

La scaletta:

Lee "Scratch" Perry - I Am The Upsetter

Lee "Scratch" Perry - People Funny Boy

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Return Of Django

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Long Sentence

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Blackboard Jungle

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Underground

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Dub Along

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Soul Fire

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Throw Some Water In

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Curly Locks

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Roast Fish Cornbread

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Dreadlocks In Moonlight

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Tell Me Something Good

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Lion

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Super Ape In A Good Shape

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Jungle